Tuesday, February 23, 2010


When someone mentions pollution and climate change, we think of large factories belching black smoke into the air and spewing poisonous fluids into our water systems leading to the births of deformed children and large tracts of arid wastelands. We never think of our selves as polluters and wonder how we can play our part in cleaning up the world.
Whose fault is it that the streets of Harare are usually fithy? Is it the city fathers who do not ensure consistent cleaning? Is it because there aren't enough bins?
What do you do with your litter? Do you always place it in a bin or do you just throw it wherever you happen to be when you are done with your fast food container? If we all disposed of our litter correctly where would the unswept garbage be coming from?
Think about it and change your habits today. Encourage your friends, colleagues, relatives and strangers to think clean and not litter

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